Friday, September 9, 2016

Anti-Fracking Groups and Fracking Advocates

10 Groups for Fracking
1) American Clean Skies Foundation (@cleanskiesfdn)
2) Energy Citizens (@EnergyCitizens)
3) Shale Advocates (@ShaleAdvocates)
4) Energy Nation (@energynation)
5) Vote4Energy (@Vote4Energy)
6) Nevada Energy Forum (@NevEnergyForum)
7) Consumer Energy Alliance (@CEAorg)
8) Energy In Depth (@EnergyInDepth)
9) Americans For Prosperity (@AFPhq)
10) Energytomorrow (@energytomorrow)

10 Groups against Fracking
1) Thompson Divide Coalition (@ThompsonDivide)
2) Americans Against Fracking (@USagainstFRACK)
3) Beyond Natural Gas (@BeyondNatGas)
4) Californians Against Fracking (@caagainstfrack)
5) Let’s Ban Fracking Michigan (@LetsBanFracking)
6) Don’t Frack New York (@DontFrackNY)
7) No Frack Ohio (@NoFrackOhio)
8) Fractivist (@fractivist)
9) Protecting Our Waters (@POW_no_fracking)
10) Sane Energy Project (@SaneEnergy)

Energy Citizens-  Their last tweet came out an hour before I wrote this, which demonstrates that they are on top of their twitter account.  They also do a good job of making the issue of Fracking appeal to a larger audience.  They tie it into the possibility of rising food prices.  This would peak the interest of a reader that may not necessarily care about Fracking one way or the other.  They also do a good job of getting their tweets out to a larger audience by using popular hashtags.  One that I’m seeing them use is #BrokenRFS.  This group has few discernible weaknesses and quite a few strengths.
Shale advocates has a very good presence online. Their twitter and other social media accounts continually bring readers back to their website. The Shale Advocates have a very intuitive website that allows for readers to immediately sign up for newsletters or find news sources about fracking directly on their website. A big strength I see coming from them is their use of people. They have a series of videos that includes real people telling about their personal experience with fracking. These videos help people sympathize with fracking by showing that it does not just hurting people. They also have their facts about fracking front and center on their website to allow people to access data quickly.

Energy Nation looks to be a very prominent advocacy group for america's energy sector. There is a lot of positive information about the effects fracking is having on the economy and jobs all over both their twitter and their website. However, they also cover other forms of energy such as ethanol. Their website is clean and professional looking and makes it easy to get involved in the discussion surrounding fracking and other energy production in the united states. They have a clear mission statement of clean and homegrown energy on their website which itself makes a good case for fracking and how fracking can be done right.

Fractivist: Fractivist believes in raising awareness against the use of fossil fuels and fracking. They believe we have developed a dependency on oil generated by the gas industries across the world, and this has contributed to our growing problem of climate change. Fractivist aims to work through policy and legislation like C.E.A. although on a smaller scale. The people working for C.E.A. are made up of large organizations and various industries, while Fractivist is one guy trying to make a difference, and he can do this by contacting local government officials and getting his word out there to be directed by those who can make a difference.

Consumer Energy Alliance: is a nationwide group consisting of members with backgrounds ranging from academia, organized labor, agriculture, airlines, construction etc. Their goal is to bring these organizations together through a united voice on energy consumption. By working together C.E.A. employs strength through numbers, and make themselves heard through social media, legislation, workshops, and informing the public. Members of C.E.A. believe fracking is a right of the energy consumer, and supplies fair pricing and competition to a market which could otherwise easily be manipulated.

vote4energy has a strong message almost as soon as you enter their website. They seek to promote producing natural gas and petroleum products which they believe will contribute the U.S.’s economy and help provide jobs for Americans. In addition, they believe that, since the U.S. is currently one of the largest producers of natural gas, the U.S. should take the lead in producing and distributing natural gas. It is their opinion that the only way for this to happen is to bring awareness to voters who should thus demand that their political leaders take similar action in these issues. vote4energy seeks to provide clean power for the future. At first glance, vote4energy has an impressive and interactive website, with links to help its visitors discover more about its philosophy, as well as examine various polls throughout the country that address many different issues. They encourage people to become “energy voters” which would help pass laws and bills that would make it easier for companies to harvest natural gas and petroleum. Their twitter site has a decent amount of followers following this group, and their tweets are up to date, some within the hour. Some of their posts include charts and graphs highlighting consumption and the reduction of CO2 emissions thanks to natural gas consumption.